Lord Sipan

Lord of Sipan (Señor de Sipan) died around 1770 years ago. The grand lord of Moche civilization - one of Peru's most important pre-Hispanic civilizations - was a warrior, half god, half man, a noble. A lord over the lords of his time. He lived for about 40 years and was 1.67 meters (5.5 ft.) tall. He was buried in a wooden sarcophagus - - itself a first in the Americas - with his head pointing south, his nose and ears covered with gold relics and his feet clad in silver. Surrounded by a profusion of objects in cooper, spondyllus shells and semiprecious stones. By his side were the skeletons of two young women, a llama and a dog. At his feet, the skeleton of a young warrior with a golden shield. His dead was carbon-dated to 290 AD. This incredible archaeological discovery - considered to be the greatest ever made in the Western Hemisphere - was revealed to the world in 1987, by a small group of Peruvian archaeologists led by Dr. Walter Alva.

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